Life (5)


Misinformation is Everywhere

Most of what I hear from people is nonsense. But it's not easily-dismissable nonsense - it actually seems like it's very carefully crafted so as to be close enough to the truth as to render it defensible, and yet crucially editorialised enough to make sure…

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Actively Listening (to Music)

The romanticised view of what happened, that I will probably come to adopt, is that I decided I'd listen to more music, decided I'd get into Vinyl, bought a separates system, and now find myself listening to more music. Bravo, me! In reality, I was…

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Mastodon - Life After Twitter

I have spent a lot of time on Twitter, but it's fair to say I never really liked it. In fact, over the years I developed a love/hate relationship with it where I was either over-using it or deleting everything I'd ever done on there.

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Creatively Stuck

I started a project last year. It's a creative project in my own time that requires writing, music, and artwork. It's a big ask of myself and whilst it was going well to start with, I've seemingly gotten myself stuck and can't find a way…

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Flexible Working is Quite Hard

I love working from home. My commute is lovely. The coffee is consistently excellent and works out at about 17p per cup. My monitor is huge. The guy making my lunch is quite lazy which often results in my eating crisp butties, but I think…

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