Album Review: Absent In Body - Plague God [2022]

Absent In Body, Plague God, Album Cover

A true stand out from some recent listens. Released in 2022 this record absolutely beasts its way into your ears and takes hold. An astounding noise; powerful, articulate, and terrifying.

The quality of this super-group's behemoth is magnificent and the overall sound left me struggling to understand how they'd done it.

I'll avoid the controversy with one of the people behind this and simply say that you've probably never heard anything like this, and we sadly probably won't again. At least for a while.

I will be getting hold of a Vinyl copy of this one because it's truly one to be savoured and marvelled at.


This article was updated on Monday, 8 January 2024


Father, Husband, Guitar player, Piano-learner, Xbox-player, Metal-listener, infosec leader WIP.