Leigh's Blog.

I write things about leadership, information security, family, music, technology, and life.

My previous blog is here

Because I'm an idiot and keep changing my blogging tools/platforms all the time, I quite often orphan links that people make to my posts. Soz.

I have a Substack too, but I don't do anything with that yet.


Misinformation is Everywhere

Most of what I hear from people is nonsense. But it's not easily-dismissable nonsense - it actually seems like it's very carefully crafted so as to be close enough to the truth as to render it defensible, and yet crucially editorialised enough to make sure…

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Top Gigs of 2024

This year saw a proper return to attending gigs for me. I've been to a couple over the past few years but for some reason it felt weird and uncomfortable. Almost like a weird Covid-hangover. But this year I managed to get to a few…

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Album Review: Absent In Body - Plague God [2022]

A true stand out from some recent listens. Released in 2022 this record absolutely beasts its way into your ears and takes hold. An astounding noise; powerful, articulate, and terrifying. The quality of this super-group's behemoth is magnificent and the overall sound left me struggling…

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Actively Listening (to Music)

The romanticised view of what happened, that I will probably come to adopt, is that I decided I'd listen to more music, decided I'd get into Vinyl, bought a separates system, and now find myself listening to more music. Bravo, me! In reality, I was…

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Mastodon - Life After Twitter

I have spent a lot of time on Twitter, but it's fair to say I never really liked it. In fact, over the years I developed a love/hate relationship with it where I was either over-using it or deleting everything I'd ever done on there.

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